1. What I'm reading...

I am currently reading
Love, Rosie the entire story is told via e-mails and letters between the main characters. I have read several books written in this format and I really enjoy them. This story focuses on two best friends who grow up together, and stay close even after one moves away. The entire world thinks they are meant for each other, but they aren't quite convinced yet. This is a book I checked out at the library a couple weeks ago. I am not even sure how I stumbled upon it, but I am definitely glad I did.
2. What I'm watching...

I honestly haven't watched much TV at all this week. It has been a very busy week with not much down time. What little I have watched has been Halloween specials. I definitely love all the holiday specials from Halloween through Christmas. Of course this week I have watched Spookley a couple times. It is definitely one of my favorite Halloween movies. In addition to those I am recording several things. I need to get caught up on The Voice and Agents of Shield. I think I am also a few episodes behind on How I Met Your Mother.
3. What I'm smelling...
I still think my marshmallows over a fire is my favorite candle, but I have also been burning lots of pumpkin and autumn scented candles the last couple weeks. I have also been able to have my windows open a lot and frequently smell leaves and fire pits. I really do love the smell of fall.
4. What I'm listening to...
I have been listening to music a lot this week. It definitely helps me relax, and when I need time to think about something music is a way for me to clear my brain so I can focus on the task at hand. As you know from my previous post I have been listening to Ronnie Eaton. I've also been listening to a variety of country music. Toby Keith's new album just came out and I'm excited to hear it.
5. What I'm feeling...
This week I am really working on strategies to stay calm and not feel overwhelmed. Since my concussion it has been easier for things to start overwhelming me as I can't process multiple things at once. I am trying a couple different things right now that help me sort through things, process them, deal with what needs dealt with, and let go of the rest. It's only been a few days, but I can already tell how much this is going to help.
As always I would love to hear from you. Leave me a comment or shoot me an e-mail, and don't forget to subscribe to the blog.
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