Thursday, May 20, 2010

New Blog

I have decided to start blogging. I am interested in doing some freelance articles for teaching and parenting websites, and almost all of them want links to blogs you have, so here I am.

I submitted an article this morning, on how to keep your kid from regressing over summer vacation. Did you know kids on average lose 2.6 months of math skills just over summer break? That is insane! I personally think year round school with three different times of getting a month break would be better than a 3 month break over the summer, but I know I am the odd man out in that thought amongst teachers.

I think it would be awesome to write articles about cloth diapers, breastfeeding, or positive discipline.

I think I could just about write a book on why teachers should be using more active learning in the classroom and introducing more forms of technology. I know sometimes I am so tempted to say "Hey you, sitting there at your desk, you see how all your students have their heads down and are looking around? Yea that means you are not reaching them!" or "You know that loud class you complain about down the hall, do you realize how much they are learning in there? Yes the reason they come in here and are still talking about it is.... LEARNING IS FUN! or at least it should be."

Anyway, keep a lookout for more blogs and random thoughts coming out soon!

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