Friday, March 1, 2013

Life is a Journey

   I have been a way for a while now, and in looking back on some of the older posts I have realized that my life is continually changing and taking new direction. It’s a constant journey, but as they say “Life is a journey, not a destination.” Ralph Waldo Emerson
   When I stepped away in November I had recently gone through many changes in my life and was working to get all the pieces back together. I am still continuing to do that, but have come a long way. 

   Ashley and I are doing well in our new place. We have established a routine and are enjoying our time together in our new home. It is becoming comfortable for us, and no longer seems to be just another stop along the way. 

   This week we spent a few days at my parents because of all the snow and fear of losing power. When we came home Ashley walked in the door and said “Awww, sweet sweet home!” I asked her later if she wanted to go to the store, “No Mom, we just got to sweet sweet home.” This is a big thing as for a long time she wanted to go back to her old home. This wasn’t a home; it was just a place, but that has now changed. 

   Over the summer I started dating a new guy. This was met with mixed reviews as people weren’t sure if it was something I should be doing already or if I was in a place where I could handle that. It isn’t something I set out to do. I didn’t intend to enter a serious relationship so soon after everything happened with my marriage. However, sometimes things totally unexpected happen and sometimes those things turn out to be amazing. From the first night we got together I knew this person was going to leave an imprint on my life. I have always felt that there was a reason he was put in my life at that time, and there was a point in our relationship starting when it did. It might not have been the best timing, but is there ever a perfect timing?  He has supported me through many things, and has encouraged me to try new things. He finds strengths in me I never knew existed and helps me realize the potential that’s present. He has provided me with opportunities I wouldn’t have found otherwise, and is there for me when I stumble along the way. He makes me look at things and think about them in entirely new ways. He makes me smile and makes me laugh, but most importantly he makes me see that it’s okay to just be me. 

   As always I have amazing friends and family to help me through all the hard times, and celebrate the good times with me. They are an amazing support system, and a great strength to me along this journey.  I appreciate all the support they offer me, and cherish all of our time together. 

   So along the path we travel, and hopefully we continue to find pleasure along the way. 

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