This week I have once again been inspired by my students, the students in our building, and our school as a whole. There is a 7th grader in our building who has been struggling with health issues for many years. The first time I "met" Lukas was when he was in Ohio for a bone marrow transplant and his 4th grade teacher had me come help them so they could skype to Lukas and say hi. Since his transfusion 3 years ago he has been in and out of the hospital many times. He often attends class here through skype, as he travels back and forth to Ohio frequently to follow up with doctors. This year he has once again been in Ohio as his body has been fighting infection.
Last week our school did a dress down day where the students dontated money in exchange for being out of uniform for the day. Our school has about 450 students and each student was asked to donate $1. However, they all went above and beyond and raised over $3000 to help cover the families travel expenses.
Yesterday we celebrated Mass together and lifted Lukas up in prayer. We had symbols to represent Lukas, and all of his classmates wore "Team Lukas" shirts. Our priest spoke about the importance of prayer and in a powerful moment the church (that was filled to the brim) all knelt in prayer in complete silence. Not a sound was heard as everyone surrounded Lukas with prayer. Can you imagine a place that full... including students Pre-K through 8, parents, grandparents, and younger siblings all crammed in together and the room managing to stay completely silent? It was a very powerful moment.
Lukas attend Mass through skype with him mom, while his dad, grandma, and granpa were present in the church. There were tears around the church as everyone thought of this family and everything they have faced. It is such an emotional and powerful moment to witness something like this happen.

My class prayers for Lukas and his family every morning, and I invite you to join us in that prayer. This amazing family can use all the prayers they can get.
For more information on Lukas and ways to help please check his Caring Bridge page
As the Team Lukas shirts say...
"Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their work: If one falls down, his friends can help him up."
Ecclesiastes 4:9-10
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